How to use PHALLOSAN?
When it comes to penis enhancement, there might be products that are not easy to use, but when it comes to Penis Plus, you don’t have such problems. All the products that we offer are pretty natural and easy to use.
Natural and painless application
Have you heard of Penis Plus? Well, it is a penis extender that can be worn painlessly for up to 12 hours daily without any side effects.
The vacuum present in the suction bell prevents the glans from slipping out while causing it to grow significantly. Moreover, the belt tension is substantially adjustable.
All its components are pretty easy to clean. Detailed instructions are enclosed that tell how to use this fantastic product. Velcro fasteners that come with it make replacement quite comfortable and relaxed.
It has a protector cap that protects the glans from swelling as well as redness in case the suction is pretty strong. It exerts a little pressure on the surface tissue. Well, the tension can be increased, and success can be achieved even more rapidly.
"Natural and painless application"
Penis Plus functions according to an ancient principle: the continual but gentle stretching helps in penis enlargement. Ancient people have applied this process in the past and have reaped the rewards. It works on the principle that the constant tension causes tiny fissures in the tissue. The body fills the fissures with - new cells - new material in the healing process. This kicks off the growth process.
The process
The process always remains wholly under control, safe and comfortable. Comfortably and firmly bedded in a vacuum cover, you just need to place your penis in a stretching belt system. The best thing is that you can wear this every day without any doubts. The system pulls your penis with a low resistance to the left or right (one can wear the stretching belt in the direction of one’s choice). One can set the tension strength as per their liking.
Colour system on the belt is a helpful indication!
Red colour indicated a high level, green colour indicates low tension, whereas yellow indicates medium level. The device can be worn for eight or more hours per day. The promptness of use is the key factor for the degree of your success.